Fruhauf Chiropractic Clinic
511 Thornhill Dr. Unit D
Carol Stream, IL 60188
ph: (630) 871-0879
About Us
We are conveniently located in the Mona Kea medical park at the corner of Schmale and thorhill Drive.
The clinic has closed individual treatment rooms and a rehab room for the patients. The clinic is based on treating the patient as a person and not a number. Overall the purpose of the clinic is to help you become the healthiest person that you can be and stay that way the rest of your life with great health and movement.
Map & Directions
Driving Directions
The clinic is just south of North Avenue if coming from the north, or two street lights north of Geneva road. Mona Kea medical park is on the East side of the street. Take a turn on Thornhill and I am in the complex on the left in the back building.
511 Thornhill Drive Unit D
Office Hours
We are open Monday & Wednesday 10:30am - 8pm, as well as
Friday & Saturday from 10:30am - 3pm. Please call for your appointment today!
If there is a day that I am not in the office and it is the only day that you have available, please let me know and arrangements can be made to help you out.